
November 27, 2012

Crippled no more

“One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer–at three in the afternoon.  Now a man crippled from birth as being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts.  When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money.  Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!”  So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.   Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”  Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.   He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.   When all the people saw him walking and praising God,  they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.”   Acts 3:1-10

I have a physical defect in my arm that I was apparently born with – a few bones were fused together that shouldn’t have been, and because of that I can’t turn arm over so that the palm of my hand faces up.  It’s weird, and my arm doesn’t look like anything is wrong with it, and it doesn’t really bother me.  I’ve had to make some adaptations in my life because of it, but it never really stopped me from doing much.

I wish I could tell you that my little defect was the only thing I had to deal with, but in reality, I have a bigger defect.

I am a spiritual cripple.  In the worst way.  I was born that way.  And what makes it worse is that, unlike in the case of my arm, I have allowed my condition to define and dictate my life.  I AM that crippled man at the gate called Beautiful.  Like him, I’ve spent many times in my life hanging around places where other, “well” people circulate – you know – more important people, more successful people, richer people, beautiful people, happier people, you name it…hoping that I might get a few of the crumbs they leave behind.  I’ve waited for others to be my providers of the things that I thought might help me, change me, make me special…whatever.  I believed, from as early as I can remember, that those things – the wonderful, joyful, successful, happy things – belonged to other people, but not to me.  Like the crippled man, I’ve watched others pass me by, never believing that I could have what they have.

Well, I was wrong.  So very wrong.  I have an unopened gift that needs to be opened.  A gift that is, by its nature, the thing I need the most.  I have the gift of Jesus, who died to set me free from my afflictions, defects, sins, mental blocks, hangups, screw-ups, my past, my negative thoughts – the shackles I have forged for myself in this life.  In HIS name I must get up from my spot as a crippled beggar, and WALK!  I am capable, blessed, loved, and I matter, because JESUS said that I am all of those things THROUGH and IN HIM!  I need to ACT LIKE IT!  And I am compelled to tell you about it!  Why?  Because Jesus died to set you free too!  In Christ’s equation, we need only accept His gift to be set free from our defects, and IN HIM we can do all things.  ALL things!

Today is a new day!

Heavenly Father, thank you for this amazing message from your word.  Thank you for telling each one of us that we don’t have to be a crippled beggar, but that we are worthy to walk in you, and in your light, and enter through the gate called Beautiful.  Thank you for the blessings that you give us, and the mercies you give us every day.  Thank you for giving us a hope in you.  Lord, we ask for the wisdom to remember these things every day.  Bless us with renewed hope every day.  Remind us, every day, that you have given us a future, even when circumstances look dark.  Hold us up and strengthen us as we walk in your way.  Forgive us for our doubt, bad attitudes, and bad behaviors.  Always bring us back to your word, and restore us.  Thank you for all that you do for us, and are to us.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD. 2012.  All rights reserved.

September 3, 2012


“I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away from me.”  Jeremiah 32:40

There are going to be times in our lives when God gives us great challenges so that we can accomplish greater things for his glory.  Are those kinds of challenges fun?  joyful?  inspiring?  In short, no.  Will we be better for having gone through them?  Will God use those low times to refine us?  Will He do a kind of work in us that changes us at our core?  Absolutely.  And when the clouds begin to part after a prolonged storm, we will appreciate the sun, or should I say the Son, like we never have before!

God told Jeremiah that He would inspire Israel to fear Him.

I’m sorry…did I hear that right?  To “fear” Him?  Yes, to fear Him. Why fear?  Because God doesn’t mean “fear” in a way that makes you want to run and hide under the bed.  “Fear”, from God’s perspective, means that we will want to please Him above everyone and everything else.  It means that we’ll want to love Him so much, and please Him so much, that we no longer fear the things of this world.  Can you imagine that?

So how would that be done?  God said that inspiration like that will be done by Him doing continual good for them, and us – but only after we go through a life-transforming period of knowing brokenness.  It means that we have to finally get to a point where we truly understand, in our heart of hearts, that only God can give us what we truly need.  It means that we also recognize that the parting of the clouds is because HE made it happen, not ourselves.  Only at that point can we truly be inspired.  Inspired to love God more.  Inspired to see His hand in all of the pieces of our lives.  Inspired to see the good that He is working.  Inspired to never turn away from Him, and His love.

Is brokenness ever easy?  Can’t I just ask God for whatever I want, and promise to do better?  Nope.  It just doesn’t work that way, even when we wish it did.  And why not?  Because being broken means giving up the sense that we can fix anything on our own.  Being broken means that we know in the deepest part of our being that God is so much bigger than ourselves, and bigger than our challenges.  But the good news is that our infinite God wants to give us so much more than the here and now.  He wants for us to truly be inspired by His love for us, and by His promises.  And our problems are so very here and now.  We view our lives in terms of our very limited view of the universe.  We ask for His help to get through the next test, the next argument, the next doctor’s report, the next bill, the next whatever.  What God really wants to give us is eternal – that never expires, that never runs out, that never leaves us wanting for more.

Can you get inspired for that kind of love?  I know that I want, and need, that kind of inspiration!

Heavenly Father, thank you for promising to love us, and inspire us, by making us keep our eyes on You.  Thank you for the blessings that you give us when we do, and for the blessings that you promise to give us when we keep doing that.  Thank you for getting us through today, by your grace and mercy.  Thank you for letting us breath in your love, even when it’s hard to catch our breath in the middle of life’s challenges.  Bless all of those people who need to be inspired today, including myself, and I ask you to make your promises so very real to each one of us.  Keep us inspired through whatever the future holds.  Hold us up when the world gets the best of us, and remind us always that you are there, and that you are so very real.  Thank you, Lord, and I pray this in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD. 2012.  All rights reserved.


June 7, 2012

Don’t Look Back

” But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.”  Genesis 19:26

If you ever feel like this world is getting more depraved, more unrighteous, and more evil every day, then you know how Lot felt when he was living in Sodom.  So how did Lot get to Sodom in the first place?  Well, he did what many of us do – he looked at the economic opportunities that he believed were available to him and his herdsmen, and decided that moving to Sodom would be both a good business decision and a good personal decision.  Ok, I can understand that.  But what do you do when you realize that the place that you thought had so much hope turns out to be driven by and filled with bad and evil things?

When God gives you the opportunity to leave, you leave.  And you don’t look back.

Lot’s wife drove that point home.  Don’t look back.  You know – that whole pillar of salt thing.  It’s easy to look back at the things we left behind, and be completely unable to move forward in life because of those longings for the good old, bad old days.  And don’t think that Lot’s wife was the only one who did that, either.  What do you think was at the heart of that never-ending trip that the Israelites took – wandering through the desert for 40 years.  Rather than keeping their eyes on the Promised Land ahead of them, they kept whining about everything they left back in Egypt.  Nevermind the fact that they were slaves there.  When I think about all of those desert years I just want to yell at the Israelites through the pages – wake up!  look forward!  DON’T LOOK BACK!

Am I being too critical of these folks?  No.  No, because I’ve learned that I’ve been guilty of exactly the same thing!  What about you?

So why do we even look back?  Because sometimes we don’t know – and I mean really “know” – in our hearts that God has something better for in store for us.  Our fear of the future gives us pause, and we look back – hoping we made the right decision, wishing we had some of the security that we’ve left behind, missing the “freedom” to behave any way we want…you get the picture.

But the bottom line is that if we put our fears away, and put our faith in God, and his amazing goodness and love for us, we can move forward in life with our heads held high, and our eyes set on the future.  God wants us to trust Him, and yes, that can be scary, but when we hold His hand and walk with Him in faith, we never know what wonderful things are waiting for us in our own Promised Land.

Lord, thank you for giving us such hard-hitting examples of what happens when we fail to trust in your goodness.  Forgive me for my own lack of faith.  Lord, help me to keep my eye on the promised land that you have for me, and help me to not be distracted by the things I’ve left behind.  Help me to remember that the things that are behind me are behind me for a reason.  Grant me the wisdom to look forward, and look up, and know in my heart that you are still God, and that you work everything together for my good and your gl0ry.  Thank you for loving me, even when I’m undeserving of that love.  I praise you, Lord, and pray to you in Jesus name.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD. 2012.  All rights reserved.

April 27, 2012

Contented cows

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  Hebrews 13:5

Have you ever watched dairy cows grazing in a field?  Just picture it – a sunny day, buttercups dotting the green fields, a blue sky with just a few white clouds….ah….yes…how serene.  And the cows, well, they mosey around, eating whatever they’d like – not a care in the world.  In that moment, wouldn’t you just love to know what it’s like to live in a world that is just like that field?  Oh, I would.  To be content, just appreciating the blessings right in front of me.  Enjoying the provisions of today, and not giving even the slightest thought of what tomorrow may or may not bring.

If I truly listen to God’s word, and put it into practice, I can indeed experience that kind of contentment.  It’s true.

But for you and me, contentment sometimes takes work.


Yes, work.

Look out your window, and try to clear you mind of all the angst you’ve got floating around in that noggin.  Not that easy, huh.  I regularly walk around, and even lay in bed at night, with steam coming out of my ears from all of the worries I have buzzing around in there.  When you look out that window, what do you see?  Do you see a bird?  You know – like the sparrow that Jesus told us about, and how much more we are loved than even that sparrow.  Do you see flowers?  Like the lilies that Jesus said don’t labor or spin to get their beautiful “clothes”.  Is it raining?  Like the rain that produces crops, like God’s word tells us.  Can you recognize the things in God’s creation that are evidence of his love for us?  Can you enjoy those things, even if only for a moment?  And when you allow yourself to actually breathe, and take in that beauty, sit back and try to truly appreciate those things.  Be content in those things.  Tell God about it.  Ask Him to let you see other things in your world through those same appreciative, contented eyes.  Ask Him to let you learn to see His handiwork in even your greatest challenges.  You’ll be amazed at what a little contentment can do.

Lord, forgive me for taking so many things in your creation and in my own little world for granted.  Thank you for blessing me with things I’ve never even appreciated.  Thank you for telling me over and over that you’ll never leave me or forsake me…because I need you always, and especially now.  Bless me with your peace, so that I can cast all worry about of my mind, and so that I can learn to be content, and in the moment.  I ask for your blessings in my life and the lives of those who love you – grant them, and me, the desires of our hearts.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD. 2012.  All rights reserved.

April 2, 2012

A joyful morning

“I will exalt you, O LORD, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.  O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.  O LORD, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down into the pit.  Sing to the LORD, you saints of his; praise his holy name.  For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”  Psalm 30:1-5

David was a sinful man, and he knew that.  He recognized the seriousness of trials he’d been through, including the trials that he himself created, and he knew in the depths of his heart that it was God himself that delivered him from the very lowest places he ever experienced.  He also recognized that God saved him from even lower places.  I’m certainly no David, but I know that I’m a sinful woman, and I am so very in touch with my own trials.  And I know that it was God that saved me, and spared me, and it is Him that praise.

The Bible tells us that David wrote this psalm for the “dedication of the temple” and although Psalm 30 isn’t considered a Messianic psalm, officially, I can’t help but think of that first, joyful Easter morning when I read David’s words.  Here David is praising God for bringing him “up from the grave” and sparing him from “going down into the pit”.  Isn’t that exactly why Jesus went to the cross?  Isn’t that exactly what Jesus did for all of us that Easter?  HE rose from the grave, so that we could also rise.  HE went down into the pit, so that we would never have to.  Jesus IS the temple that was rebuilt that first Easter morning, so what better way to recognize that fact than to remember the words of David in his dedication of the temple.  Today we remember and celebrate the dedication of the Temple – Jesus himself.

Are you feeling as though you are experiencing God’s anger these days?  Some days I cry out to God, asking what I’ve done wrong – what I’ve done to deserve my trials – you know, “why is this happening to me?”  I lose sight of the goodness of God, and the great eternal salvation that He has already given me.  I’m selfish, foolish and lacking in faith – so very human, and so very fallen.  Do I weep?  Oh yes – and not so delicately either.  But I read David’s words, and God’s promises, and HE tells me that rejoicing comes in the morning.  So I hang on.

Let me reassure you.  Rejoicing does come in the morning!  And this Easter morning, let us all rejoice together!  He is risen!  He is risen indeed!

Lord, thank you for giving me the promises of eternal life.  Thank you for the loving, selfless sacrifice of Christ.  Thank you for knowing, from the foundation of the world, how desperately we need you, and for providing a new life for us.  Thank you for walking with us through our trials – even when we’re the ones who put us there, and for your unending love that saves us from the pit.  Thank you for the promise of the night ending, and the joy of the morning.  Bless me today, Lord, and warm me in the light of your love, and hear my songs of joy and praise that I sing for you.  Help me to cast off the grave, and to rejoice in the morning.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD.  2012.  All rights reserved.

March 22, 2012

For the birds

” Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”  Matthew 6:26

One of the things that brings me a little bit of stress relief, and peace, is looking out of my dining room window and watching all of the birds that call our back yard “home”.  We have a number of feeders for them, and houses, and apparently the word got out among them and their friends, and now we have a growing bird sanctuary back there.  I love watching them show up though – and I marvel at their amazing colors, differences and beauty.  And I love watching them eat.  I mean – I looooove watching them eat.  I don’t even know what it is about them eating that I find so fascinating, but I do love knowing that the different kinds of foods that we put out for them are enjoyable to them.  I can only imagine how God loves seeing us take delight when we eat of His bounty, and drink of His living water.

I have noticed a few very special things about those birds though.  I’ve noticed that none of them have been flying around to each feeder, checking and double-checking the level of bird food left in each.  I’ve noticed that none of them look terribly concerned, whether its about the fact that there might only be a few little seeds left in any one of those feeders, or in all of the feeders for that matter.  They don’t give much thought to what gets spilled on the ground, and I’ve never seen even one break a sweat because a grabby little squirrel shows up.   I’ve noticed that none of those birds look worried in any way.  I haven’t seen any nervously nibbling away at their toenails (is that what you call them?), or sitting on a branch with their little heads buried in worry in their little wings.  It’s like they know something that I don’t know.  And what they know is at the heart level, and their little minds follow.  They have no apparent cares, no concerns.  They appreciate the little morsels that are set out before them.  They live in the moment, and they exude a joy that I’ve never known.

My heart is another story.  I worry – all the time.  I check my resources over and over, whether it’s a bank account, my client list, my pantry or any number of things, and I worry about what isn’t there, or how long what is there will last.  I sit with my head in my well-wrung hands, and sink into the mire of my own bad thoughts.  I do a terrible job at appreciating the here and now.  Oh, and did I mention I’m a multi-tasker?  Yes, I can be working on one problem, and worrying about another – all without missing  a beat.  How lame is that?

The birds sing each morning – happy for a new day.  They take delight in the abundance before them when it’s sunny or cloudy.  And when the rain comes they patiently wait for the skies to clear, because they know something wonderful is waiting for them.  The birds are such wonderful examples of how each of us should live each day, thankful and joyful.  They are masterpieces in God’s creation, and their wings can raise us up to the heavens.

Lord, thank you so very much for the beautiful examples of your love that you’ve placed in your creation.  And thank you for your promise to love us, and to provide for us, in even greater ways than you provide for the birds.  Thank you for knowing our needs, and knowing our concerns.  Thank you for the blessings you give us each day, whether we realize it or not.  Thank you for understanding our shortcomings, and loving us when we behave so very ungratefully.  God, help me to remember your love and provision every morning, and help me to find your peace in my heart every day.  God, bless me with every blessing, out of your amazing abundance.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD 2012.  All rights reserved.


March 5, 2012

To stand

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”  Ephesians 6:13

Have you ever had to stand your ground?  As an employee?  As a boss?  As a member of your family?  Have you?

I don’t have children, but I’ll admit to having been one, and my parents never seemed to have any problem standing their ground.  In looking back on my life, I’m glad that my parents did that – they demonstrated their strength and conviction, regardless of whether they were right or wrong.  I would love to tell you that standing my ground came naturally to me, as a result, but it didn’t.  I have struggled with standing up for myself, because standing up for yourself can often be perceived as being self-righteous, arrogant or pushy.  And I don’t want to be any of those things.

So when God tells us “to stand”, it is in the context of first having on the full, wonderful armor that He has graced us with.  When we have that armor on, we are completely aware of God’s love for us – how He saved us, through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.  We wear our helmet of salvation.  We also don a breastplate of righteousness.  Why?  Because righteousness in Christ allows us to face the world boldly, and it protects our heart.  We wear a belt of truth, because truth ties everything together, and holds our other armor in place.  What else can a belt do?  Ever lift something heavy?  A belt can tighten against our body to provide extra support when life requires heavy lifting.  So our belt – the truth – gives us critical support when we are expected to stand.  How can anyone argue against the truth?  But amazingly, we live in a world that rejects the truth, and that rejects God.  We live days when “evil comes” more frequently than ever.

Have you ever thought about how you might handle having to stand for what is right, in truth, at work?  How would you deal with the anxiety of having to stand up to a boss, or a board, to tell them that the truth matters?  It’s beyond “not easy” – it’s hard.  And it may have consequences.  Could you accept those consequences?  Would you be willing to walk away from a job, when it’s the only thing left that you can do?  I’ve done just that, and it’s a miserable place to be.  Walking away from a job is beyond difficult, and yet having to explain why you left, to a future employer is almost harder, even using as much diplomacy as possible.  I got quite a grilling about the issue in my last interview.  I was waiting for the room to darken and a bright light to be pointed in my face.  Yes, it felt like an interrogation.  When I got home I told my husband about it, and he said exactly the right thing.  He told me that I did all that I could do, and God respects my willingness to stand for the truth more than He respects the grilling that I got.  He reminded me that God would provide for us.

I cried when I didn’t get the job.

But today is a new day.  I have had so many reminders these last few days that standing for the truth was, and will always be, the right thing to do.  And God will take care of me.  Of us.  God’s truth will indeed set us free.

Lord, thank you for letting us know that you love truth, and that when we wrap ourselves in your truth that you will always care for us.  We thank you for giving us your armor, to protect us in this life, when the days of evil come.  Lord, we ask you to protect us, and to give us courage in the dark times of life.  We ask you to show us your grace, and your presence, and to help us to discern the truth.  Thank you for enabling us to stand.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD. 2012.  All rights reserved.

March 1, 2012


“Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.”  Joshua 3:5

Today was nothing short of amazing.  Yesterday, not so much.  Yesterday was actually a horrible day, to say the least.  I experienced a huge disappointment yesterday – a job that didn’t come through.  And in my own true form, I promptly reverted to that old bad behavior of mine.  I had a meltdown – you know, a grown-up tantrum, which is very much like a childish tantrum, but the vocabulary is more well-developed.  My husband tried to offer me words of condolence and comfort, and I did try to respond to him kindly, letting him know that I appreciated his support, but my tears, and nose, continued to run.  After a while I figured that I’d better get myself together, and try to “suck it up” and move on with my day as best as I could.  I had a few teary moments after that, and didn’t feel much like eating.  I mostly just moped around, and did a little work at my desk.  I tried to talk to myself, and tell myself that maybe the adage is true, and that it was always darkest before the dawn.  I think I tried to think of lots of little fortune cookie quips that would make me feel better.  Oh, and then after I ran out of those, I tried to remember what God told us in His word.

I remembered that God told us that if we really wanted wisdom, then we should just ask for it.  And He told us to “keep asking” and “keep knocking”.  I also remembered that He told us to draw near to Him, and that when we did that, He’d draw near to us.  So I did just that – when my husband went to run an errand.  I actually waited for my husband to leave the house for a little while so that I could have my out loud, emphasis on loud, “discussion” with God.  I yelled out, and told him that HE PROMISED that if I drew near to Him, that HE SAID – HE PROMISED – that He’d draw near to me.  I told him that just in case there was any doubt, this was my way of drawing near to him, and that if He really meant what he said, then to PLEASE let me know that he was drawing near to me.  I begged him…please…please let me know that he heard me.  Please let me know that he is still real, and that he is still God, and that he really does care, because I just ran completely out of faith.  I begged Him to let me feel his closeness again.

That takes us to today.  I was looking forward to lunch with a dear friend, so I tried to turn my thoughts to lunch as soon as I got up.  I shoved away yesterday’s problems for a while, and got myself together and got out the door.  When I got to the restaurant there were no tables open, and my friend was running late, but I didn’t feel upset and patiently waited for a table.  I finally found a tiny, and I mean tiny, table, but my chair was sticking out and had me perched to that I could see everything the guy in the booth next to me was doing.  And what was he doing?  He was translating a Bible passage.  Hmmm…odd, but ok.  I’m usually not very outgoing in those places, but at the risk of being rude, I asked if he was working on a Bible translation.  He said yes, and we started talking.  He was a pastor!  And then my friend showed up!  And we had the most amazing conversation!  It was wonderful, and for a while, my problems disappeared.  I thanked God for such a wonderful break from yesterday’s sadness.  My friend checked her phone, and I checked mine, just in case my husband called.  It said I had emails, so I took a quick peek, and found more amazing things – requests for job interviews!  And not just one – but three!  THREE!  Amazing!  And I yelled out to my friend that God just answered my prayer!  He showed me that He really does care!  He showed me that He was willing to draw near to me!  AMAZING!!!

So tonight, as I sit here, I realized that today was yesterday’s tomorrow, and I look forward to tomorrow, because tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things!

Lord, thank you for listening to my cries, and thank you for drawing near, and being so very true to your word.  Thank you for letting me know that I’m so not alone, and for bringing my brothers and sisters who are also in You, close to me, too.  Lord, I ask you to continue to be close to me, and keep you arms around me.  Let me always feel you near.  And let me be a blessing to those around me, so that they can know your love through me.  Thank you for the hope we find in You, and for being so amazing.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD 2012.  All rights reserved.

February 14, 2012

I’ll love you always

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”  1 Chronicles 16:34

Love.  Love always.  With lots of love.  With love, always.  The list can go on and on of ways to sign off on a sentimental letter or card.  And I think I’ve used them all.  I don’t use the same closing for everyone I know, though.  I tend not to sign a card to my parents, or a friend, the same way that I sign one to my husband.  Why is that?  Well, my relationships are different with different people, so my words are chosen differently to reflect that.  Don’t you do that too?  Do you think God does that too?

I’ve come to the conclusion that, in some respects, God is very all or nothing.  Really?  Really.  God loves us.  Period.  Loves.  Loves, loves, loves.  And He loves us forever.  Always.

Do you pray every day?  God loves you.  Do you pray every now and then, mostly when you feel pinched?  God loves you.  Do you go to work every day with bells on?  God loves you.  Unemployed and crying every day?  God loves you.  I could go on, but I figure you’ve got the idea.

I want you to know that I’m so not like God in that respect.  I’m moody, fickle, and sometimes pretty emotional.  I haven’t gotten to a point where I even love myself on a regular basis, let alone love those around me, or perfect strangers.  But God does.  How amazing is it that God could demonstrate His love that way?!  So how do we begin to respond to that kind of love?  We love back.  We love always.  But we know that as people, we may not always behave in a loving way – toward God or anyone else.  Well, what if we knew that every moment of our lives has gone through God’s hands.  Our joys, our happiness, our triumphs – they’ve all gone through His hands, and when we experience those things it is easy for us to shout out “Thank you God!” and we can put our praise on and talk about God’s love and faithfulness.  Oh yeah, it’s easy then.  But in our sorrows, in our dark times, in our failures and defeats, the last thing that most of us feel like is telling God how appreciative we are of allowing these things in our lives….yeah….thanks a lot…God.  And as hard as it is, those are the very times when we have to gather our thoughts, through our tears, through our heartache, and through our tantrums, to remember that God is still there, and that He still loves us.  His love endures forever.  It really does.  Imagine his arms around us through the bad times, and know that He really does love us always.  He demonstrates that love through others, through their acts of kindness, and through His very word, even when a friendly face can’t be found.  Remember that.

Lord, thank you for demonstrating your love toward us in so many ways, and for loving us in such a big, forever kind of way.  Thank you for reminding us of that through your word, especially when the world doesn’t feel like a loving place.  Be with us.  Give us your peace.  Let us know your love in a recognizable way.  Help us to remember your love when we can’t see beyond our own noses.  Thank you for all you do, and all you’ve done for us.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD. 2012 All rights reserved.

December 19, 2011


Filed under: Christian,Devotional,Inspirational,Uncategorized,Women — by ConnieD@TastingAndACritic @ 1:57 PM
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“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  Romans 12:15

Are you rejoicing or mourning today?  Well, what if others around you are rejoicing and you’re just not feeling it?  What do you do?  Huh?


What?  Really? You want me to rejoice?  Even if I’m not feeling all that joyful?

Yes, rejoice.

Look, God doesn’t expect that we’ll never experience our own mourning.  We mourn when we lose a loved one.  We mourn when we are overwhelmed by life’s circumstances.  We mourn in circumstances and times that God recognizes are, without a doubt, sorrowful and mournful.  And God certainly doesn’t tell us to choke it, ignore it, deny it, or pretend it isn’t real.  God tell us in Ecclesiastes that there is, indeed,”a time to mourn”.  So how do we rejoice when we feel are in mourning?  Well, we can’t do it by ourselves.  But we can rejoice when we get to the point when we know that we talk through life and its trials with our one, true God.  We can rejoice when we come to the point when we can give our every tear over to God, through Christ.

My husband has been a saint during this holiday season – encouraging me to give my angst over to God and just enjoy the holidays.  We went with friends to see holiday lights and it was wonderful.  We’ve attended parties, met new people, and put up our Christmas tree and its decorations – all kinds of things.  And sometimes rejoicing takes some effort.  I’ve had plenty of mini-meltdowns in between my periods of rejoicing.  It takes effort to put my own selfish thoughts behind me and enjoy this season, and to put rejoicing at the top of the priority list.  Rejoicing is evidence of our heartful knowledge of and appreciation for the atoning sacrifice that Christ made for us.  Rejoicing is evidence that we are putting our life in God’s hands when our heart has its doubts.  Rejoicing is a way of knowing the I AM of God, rather than the I Was, or I’ll Be that God isn’t and never intended himself to be.

So in this season, when we are reminded of God’s love for us, and Christ’s sacrifice for us, REJOICE!

Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to us, to show us how to live, and to save us.  Thank you for giving us a Savior – the very greatest of gifts that humankind could ever be given.  Thank you for the opportunity to rejoice, in a weary world.  Be with me always, and bless me, even though I don’t deserve it.  Thank you for loving me even when I can’t bring myself to rejoice.  Show me how to love the people you have put in my life, and to rejoice with them when they rejoice.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Copyright ConnieD. 2011 All Rights Reserved.


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